Native Instruments Middle East (KONTAKT)


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Product type: KOMPLETE Instrument
For use with: Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT
Number of instruments: 27 NKIs (3 ensembles, 15 percussion instruments, 9 melodic instruments)
Number of snapshots: 248
Number of sequences: 1,488 MIDI files, grouped in 248 pattern sets (6 MIDI files per pattern set)
Number of scales: 36
Sound categories: World instruments and percussion
Download size: 23 GB uncompressed, 10 GB compressed
System requirements: Free KONTAKT PLAYER or KONTAKT. Please also see the KONTAKT PLAYER system requirements and the KONTAKT PLAYER FAQ.


Add authentic Middle Eastern flavor to your compositions by drawing from a wide range of meticulously captured percussive, melodic, and string instruments.

MIDDLE EAST Medleys Audio Demos



From goblet and frame drums to miniature kettle drums and finger cymbals, this collection offers an array of 15 percussion instruments. Play them individually or as part of well-balanced ensembles. Tap into the advanced groove player to quickly produce a track using editable patterns and fills, then dial in groove, feel, and intensity. Create an instantly recognizable environment or build modern beats with a touch of the Middle East.


Immediately transport your listeners to the lands that straddle East and West with authentic melodic instruments. Select from nine wind and string instruments. Produce a distinctive Middle Eastern sound by using quarter-tone scales and traditional tunings. Quickly construct tracks by drawing from a variety of customizable phrases suitable for traditional or contemporary genres.


Expand your sonic spectrum. The string group includes two violins, viola, and cello recorded by a renowned ensemble from Istanbul. Select a phrase to start assembling a track or to spark inspiration for your own playing. Customize the phrase as required. Choose an alternate scale to give your composition a traditional character. Fine-tune the group mix to achieve the right balance for your production.


SPOTLIGHT COLLECTION: MIDDLE EAST performance features come alive on a KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboard. See presets at a glance and preview sounds from the Native Browser. Instantly access instrument parameters from display knobs. The Light Guide displays melodic ornamentation keys for the left hand and illuminates the selected scale for the right.

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