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Orchestral Tools – Metropolis Ark 2


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Product details


Metropolis Ark 2 opens up another layer of cinematic sound. Deep, wide, and low, all instruments and voices focus on the quiet, intense, and sinister sounds only found in the lower dynamic ranges, drawing their power from the unexplored reaches of orchestral composition.

Give your scores an intense edge with rare, unconventional articulations and instruments, played and recorded with passion, depth, and imagination. Metropolis Ark 2 offers darker shades of cinematic color to blend with its bold and brazen originator, Metropolis Ark 1. Now updated for the SINE Player, you can also choose to purchase single instruments instead of buying the whole collection.

Unique low ensembles, rare articulations

The difference lies in the details. The string, woodwind, and brass ensembles within Metropolis Ark 2 are each recorded with articulations rarely found in other sound libraries. From Col Legno and Flageolet Glissandi articulations for the strings, to flutter-tongue and multiphonics for the woodwinds—this is a collection like no other.

Outside of the usual string, woodwind, and brass ensembles, Metropolis Ark 2 offers four distinctive choirs plus a range of unusual instruments, including a 6-harp ensemble, an ensemble of three Steinway pianos, contrabass clarinets, a Positif Organ, and a Harmonium. All rounded off with a wide range of atmospheric percussion instruments and subsonic boomers.

And thanks to SINE, you can now choose to purchase single instruments instead of buying the whole collection.

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